What is CSR ?

Corporate Social Responsibility refers to a company’s commitment to sustainable development. This involves a commitment to social and ethical issues, which are integrated into the company’s policy, as well as in its commercial activities and its relations with all the actors involved in the smooth running of the company.

CSR was introduced by the European Commission as “the voluntary integration by enterprises of social and environmental concerns into their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders.”

CSR aims to have a positive impact on society and the environment while being economically viable. It is based on 3 pillars:

The social pillar is based on respect for human rights, equal measures specific to the world of work and social equity.
The economic pillar of the company aims to make efforts to create shared value, improve working conditions and provide a better experience for all stakeholders.
The environmental pillar consists of all actions aimed at reducing the impact on the environment. These actions aim to preserve the environment, but also seek to reduce its risks.

At DJC CNC Machining, we are committed to :

  • Reducing our impact on the environment
  • Putting people at the heart of our strategy
  • Being a committed local player
  • Promoting business ethics and responsible governance

Reduce our impact on the environment by :

  • Preserving our resources
  • Valuing our waste
  • Promoting a culture of sustainable improvement

Putting people at the heart of our strategy means :

  • Work for the well-being of all
  • Developing the skills of everyone
  • Encouraging diversity

Being a committed local player means :

  • Creating jobs
  • Promoting local partnerships
  • Encouraging the sharing of expertise
  • Promoting the value of the industry’s professions

Promote business ethics and “responsible” governance :

  • Protecting the interests of everyone
  • Associate CSR with the company’s strategy
  • Communicate with transparency